How To Make Gold in WoW

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Warcraft Conquest - Patch 4.2

It's been a while since we last got in touch with you, hope all of
you have been making great progress in WoW. At Warcraft Conquest,
we've all been hard at work, getting ready to deliver everything
you will need to know for patch 4.2 and preparing for the new addon
module that I hope you guys have been eagerly anticipating.
I wanted to go through some in-depth questions with analysis,
or just some cool and easy break downs of the patch notes so
everyone can play a little catchup:

==> Warcraft Conquest

Our first question comes from Brian Liburd in Ohio.

I have recently just come back from a long break from WoW, in the
past I was an avid raider and PvPer and had little trouble finding
out how to do things in World of Warcraft. After being out of the
scene for so long, I had lots of trouble trying to get back into
the swings of things. Warcraft Conquest's membership area has
instantly put me back in the game and I am now starting to
accumulate a lot of the best in slot gear and some very nice arena
ratings! It's been amazing!!! Thank You!

Now for the question. With every advancement that happens on my
World of Warcraft character I feel that I am consuming an
increasing amount of time of playing, and because of this
sacrificing my real life in order to compensate. I'm scared that I
have started down a very slippery slope which will end with me
being glued to my computer screen and playing for hours and hours
on end. I really want to avoid this but to continue having great
success in World of Warcraft, what can I do?

You da man,


Well then... welcome back!

I've noticed that the period of starting WoW again after taking
such a long break can be daunting for many people.

I think it's easy to think that you will slip into your old habits
of past expansions where you use to spend full days in WoW in order
to gain the epics you so eagerly have been hungering for.

For someone who use to be hardcore, that is just starting WoW again
after a long hiatus the following questions undoubtely crosses your

"I love this game, but I better not screw up my life"

"Will I ever be able to catch up to everyone else?"

"Gold farming is so hard, I just can't see how to afford the stuff
people are selling anymore"


Let me start by dispelling those fears, and saying that WoW is
nothing like what it use to be. What use to be hours and hours of
played time to get a chance at some nice gear has really been
watered down by blizzard and access to all the best gear now only
requires a very small commitment to obtain, sure you may need to
dish out some extra hours when new content is just released, but if
you are willing to wait the best things will be available to you

I believe in teaching you strategies to help
you play the game more intelligently, quickly and maybe most
important of all efficiently. If you go into a raid knowing
everything you will need to know about the encounter, you have
already cut down the learning process by a huge amount.

Similarly if you step into arena knowing what spells and counters
the team may use against you, this will increase your win %
dramatically and allow you to skyrocket in the ratings much faster.
All of this contributes to saving you time in game, so you can have
everything you want, whilst still having a healthy and "normal"
lifestyle out of game...

I am a prime example of this, between juggling my time in WoW,
updating Warcraft Conquest and my full time job I am quite
stretched for time as it is, I really can't afford to devote too
many hours into raiding or doing rated battlegrounds. But because I
know the strategies to succeed I am able to limit my time in WoW to
a minimal, playing anywhere between 5-10 hours each week, which
converts to probably around 1 hour a day on average (but much of
that time is spent chilling in guild chat with friends).

As long as you stick to the guides and continue to follow the
proven and tested strategies (we have done the hard work for you)
which Warcraft Conquest teaches, you will have it all in and out of

Hope you all found this useful, and read the full scoop here:
==> Warcraft Conquest

Rooting For You,
Tony "T Dub" Sanders with Max Lee